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PGSM :: Motoki

Motoki Name: 古幡元基 [ふるはたもとき]
Name: Furuhata Motoki
Episode Introduced: Act 2
Actor: Kikawada Masaya
Occupation: Attendent at Crown Karaoke
Hobbies: Staring at his turtle
Pets: a turtle
Fears: Claustrophobic
Friends Turtle, Takai (another turtle lover, who hiccups around girls) and Chiba Mamoru

Other: Motoki works at Crown Karaoke and is most often seen staring at his pet turtle and smiling. He doesn't appear to be the "brightest crayon in the box."
Motoki is nameless until Act 7, when Usagi asks what his name is. Motoki then invites Usagi and her friends to the Angel Park (ammusement park). He and Usagi are seperated in an indoor maze and Mamoru reveals that Motoki is claustrophobic. Motoki finally gets out of the maze, but has a hard time breathing.