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PGSM :: Tuxedo Kamen

Tuxedo Kamen Tuxedo Kamen with new mask
Name: 地場衛 [ちばまもる]
Character Name: Chiba Mamoru [family - given name]
Disguise Name: タキシード仮面 [たきしいどかめん]
Disguise Name: Tuxedo Kamen ("Tuxedo Mask")
Actor: Shibue Jyoji [family - given name]
First Appearance: Act 1
Human Hair Color: Brownish-Black
Human Hair Style: Short on top, longer in back
Senshi Hair Color: Brownish-Black
Senshi Hair Style: Short on top, longer in back
Friends: Furuhata Motoki
Goal: Tuxedo Kamen is searching for the ginzuishou (Silver Crystal). In Act 1, Sailor V stops him from stealing jewelry from a store and he is also backstage at Osaka Mayumi's Jewelry Show searching for the Crystal.
Other: Tuxedo Kamen has saved Sailormoon during several battles, but as a human he is rude to Usagi. Mamoru's name is not learned until Act 6, when Usagi finds his name tag on the ground. In episode 7, he is introduced as Motoki's friend.

Type:Name:Episode Introduced:
TransformationTuxedo PowerAct Zero