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Shadow Galactica Empire

AnimaMates Bracelet

Group Name: シャドウ・ギャラクティカ
Group Name Romanization: Shadou Gyarakutika
Group Name: Shadow Galactica
Season: Season 5, Sailor Stars
        The Shadow Galactica Empire appeared in Sailor Stars, season 5. Their mission was to collect the StarSeeds from the Senshi.
        Members of the Shadow Galactica Empire: Chaos, Sailor Galaxia, The Sailor Phages, and the Sailor AnimaMates: Sailor Iron Mouse; Sailor Aluminum Seiren; Sailor Lead Crow; Sailor Tin Nyanko; [following only in Manga version] Sailor Heavy Metal Papallion; Sailor Chi; Sailor Phi; Sailor Lethe; and Sailor Mnemosyne. Also, Nehellenia appeared in the first part of the Sailor Stars Series.
        There is not any real symbol for the Shadow Galactica Empire. The majority of them have some sort of gold star on their outfits, but not all of them. However all of the AnimaMates wear a pair of gold bracelets. These bracelets are used to control the AnimaMates.
        The AnimaMates first appeared after a short ark (six episodes), that feature Nehellenia. (Although you hear Galaxia talking to Nehellenia in the first Stars episode).
        Star Seeds: are found in every person, but only the Star Seeds that are found in the Senshi, or rulers of planets, do not turn dark when they have been taken from their owner. Without their StarSeed, the victim turns into a Sailor Phage (Farce). These Phages are similar to the monsters in other season (such as daimons and youma). Galaxia needs the StarSeeds because they contain a large amount of power and with that power Galaxia can release Chaos, the ultimate evil.

Shadow Galactica


Sailor AnimaMates